Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Role Of Contract Farming In Integration Of Technology And Infrastructure In Indian Agriculture.

There is vast scope of contract farming in Indian Agriculture. This can improve the life style of our farmers and their children.

After lagging behind for so many years, Indian agriculture is now picking it's growth rate. After being neglected in infrastructure development whether it may be road and transport sector, or it may be in use of modern technologies, modern machineries, educated farming community or it may be in getting better security options for crops like insurance coverage facility, or it may be in interim income in lean periods like in Agricultural allied activities example Dairy, Fishery etc or it may be in drowned condition under bad debt of our farmers, but now agriculture is in the way of development.

After successful incorporation of contract or tripartite agreement in Dairy sector, now its the time for legal incorporation of contract agreement in farming sector in India will surely bring " Kranti" in increasing productivity and more profit for small, marginal and large farmers all together. Most importantly this contract farming will help our small and marginal farmers in a greater way. Because small and marginal farmers have less land holdings and they have weak financial conditions. Thus they generally don't go for commercial cultivation of crops and stick to those traditional farming.

But in contract farming a group of farmers can go for commercial cultivation and the company who is involved in contract will provide all the inputs for farming activity like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, technology, expertise, transport etc to procure a quality produce and will give farmers a better price. Because best quality agricuture produce can create a better and popular brand image of the company. This best quality of the Agriculture produce can ultimately increase our export quality food items and help India in becoming an economic super power, as the population of small and marginal farmers are arround seventy percent of total farming community.

This contract farming ultimately will improve the living standard of our farmers. So that they can give better education to their children and make their future bright.

Jay Hind ❤️🙏❤️

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The Role Of Contract Farming In Integration Of Technology And Infrastructure In Indian Agriculture.

There is vast scope of contract farming in Indian Agriculture. This can improve the life style of our farmers and their children. After lagg...