Monday, December 21, 2020

Indian Agriculture Needs Mechanisation, Mordernization, Liberalisation and Globalization.

Agriculture is the backbone of our economy. More than sixty percent of Indian are doing agriculture and allied activities.Agriculture is an evergreen oppertunity. 

As the population of India is huge, the land size are decreasing day by day. Though there are some land reforms but still there are more than 65 percent farmers are small and marginal. Thus use of machineries are little bit difficult and expensive in that small land holdings. Here comes the concept of integrating farming and intensive farming. That means farmers should go for cultivation of more than one crop in a small piece of land in a specific period of time. That is called double croping or multiple cropping. Farmers shouldn't keep their land vacant instead kept engaged all the year by doing crop rotation like after cultivating cereals should go for pulses or oilseeds or vegetables. Or they can go for cultivating pulses and intercropping of vegetables. Or Farmers can go for cultivating different types of flowers, fruits etc. Specifically cultivation of flowers would give farmers more profit.

By adopting mordern technologies and machineries like seed sowing machine, transplanting machine or transplanter, weed cutter, spayer, drip irrigation or rain irrigation system, harvester, thrasher, reaper etc one can make farming activity easier and increase his productivity. For horticulture crops one can go for commercial cultivation by using technologies like grafting, layering, budding, tissue culture etc. For more profit farmers should go for growing plantation crops which long run will give him profit by intercropping. Means between two plantation crops one can take option of growing pulses or vegetables which is short term crops.

Here government should help farmers in getting the farm machineries more affordable and less cost by giving them subsidies on machineries and free market. One more important thing is awareness and sponsors who will help farmers by giving information about profitable varieties of crops, climatic information, disease, pest, and it's treatment, market price of crops, about different newly developed technologies etc. They should aware our farmers about different government schemes.

Government should sensitize the line departments like agriculture office, horticulture office, NABARD and other grassroot departments to work more efficiently and effectively. Because generally these departments are not much effective in helping and motivating our farmers. There should be more provision of trainings in allied activities like Dairy, Fishery, Poultry, Layer units, Organic farming etc. 

Our prime minister is emphasizing on branding and promotion of local agriculture produce in international platforms. And according our present situation Globalization is important in agriculture in order to attract more investments in agriculture. Grading, packaging, cleaning plays vital role in international marketing. That's why India is more serious about vocal for local campaign.

Before globalisation of Indian agriculture, liberalisation of agriculture is important. Thus our government recently passed agriculture reform bills and those bills are widely accepted by our farmers. These bills have given our farmers a wide market and platform for trading and e-trading which ultimately increase their income. 

Jay Hind. Jay Bharat.

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