Sunday, July 19, 2020

Need Of The Hour- Change In Indian Government Education System

     Education is the basic right of every individual in India and nobody should be deprived of quality education also. Education in real sense is the social, physical, mental and spiritual growth of a human being. Education is a means through which an individual can see the light in the darkness. If education can't show us the light instead force us to go towards the darkness, then this type of education is not real education and it doesn't have any sense in being educated.

           In our India specially in rural villages the education given to our children is not up to the mark. A child can't study English in first standard in government schools states like Odisha. For studying English alphabets a child has to wait till class three.

         Generally government has made basic education free of cost in it's schools. That doesn't mean it is at the cost of quality. In rural areas in India a child can't get better education than it's counter- part has got in urban areas. I don't understand why this type of discriminations in schools among rural and urban areas?

          An uniformity should be maintained in educational structures and curriculums in India. Then only we can create more skills and talents. For example in an English medium school they have their music teacher, dance teacher, art teacher etc. But in government schools in India don't have these teachers and posts. Is our government so incapable to have a music teacher, dance teacher, art teacher in government schools? Why a child is being deprived from getting a quality education? Is not it a basic right for him/her? If government allocates budget for education annually, then it should think about creating these regular posts in schools.

            Our education system needs to be such type where a child must know and understand the practical aspect of his study. The basics of professional coueses like space, astrophysics etc should be included in our school's curriculum.

               Lastly the monitoring system should be strong in both rural and urban areas of India. Because in this case our education system is very less discipline. If our government doesn't give emphasis to the above matters, then it will create a huge problem in creating skilled human resource .As from the age between six to fifteen is very much crucial for developing a child's future.

Jay Hind....


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