Friday, July 10, 2020

Employment vs Self Reliant....

        Employment has never been a solution of unemployment rather self-reliant is the real solution. Employment can limit your skill,ideas, innovations, ethics, life principles. It destroys your peace and happiness by creating outward pressure. Though it gives you a constant income but debilitate your inner thoughts. It hampers your health if you will not careful about your body, mind and soul.
     In a country like India also the generation of employment is quite low. India needs to educate it's citizens about the resources available in India which can help India to become a self reliant country.India needs to change it's syllabus in academy. The more we go for vocational education, the more we will go forward to achieve our goal.
          Because most of the time it is shown that after completing necessary education the students in India just wait for employment. They are not using their mind and the subject they studied in their academy. Instead they should utilize their study and go for enterprenuring activities. So that they can generate employment for others and help them to become another successful enterprenure. This habit should be changed as early as possible. 
         Our education system needs a huge leap of faith and adopt vocational system and skilled our youth before it's too late.Because in school and colleges only we can build a child's future whether we can show them light or we push them inside a dark hole.Time to think about it.Make in India or break in India.

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