Sunday, July 26, 2020

How The Vedic Education System Of Bharat Destroyed By Mogol and British Invaders?

    Long long ago arround 5000 BC to 2000BC the name of India was Bharat.This name came after king Bharat and in all over the world specifically asian countries Sanatana dharma was there. In that time the education system was called "Gurukula System Of Education".

      In Gurukula System Of Education, the children above six years of age were studied irrespective of all cast and creed. The children were studied over there the cousres like our scriptures Veda, Sankhya,puranas. They were studying at Gurukula the subjects like Brahmanda means universe. It includes stars,planets,celestal bodies called astrophysics. They also studied there Achara-Byabahara called behavioural science. They were studying spirituality, yoga, pranayam, meditation. They were studying about environment, agriculture.They were studying self defence like wrestling, archery, horse riding, fist fighting etc. The students were also studying there vocational courses like Pottery,  art and craft making and othere enterpreneural activities. Students were studying at Gurukula theory as well as practical . Through these rigorous and discipline study a young man can live his life in a very peaceful manner without harming others. But it is very rare for a girl child to study at Gurukula. Because at that time Girl child were learning the basics from their mothers. Ladies were studied veda puranas at their home only.

       Students were also helping their Guru in arranging firewoods for cooking and Guru and Guru patni treated the students as their son. Because students were living at Gurukula till the end of their study. Students generally obeys them as their parents. Guru patni tendered them with more affection. Where as Guru was giving them punishments if they did some mistakes. Lastly students offered Guru dakshina to their Guru by completing some tasks. Also in the end of study, students  were facing exams.

        Gradually our education system at the time of Mogals and British rule got deteriorated and vanished. In British rule more destruction of our culture and education system occurred. The British had a dirty mindset. For their benefit they started their devide and rule policy.They have created cast discriminations and devide the people of Bharat. Also they devided our country and people on the basis of religion.

       Gradually they started attracting some of the rich and notorious people to run their business by giving them bribes and special facilities. They offered them some royal posts and gave them priority in being educated. They only gave the chance to those selected people in getting higher studies and make English the official language and made that compulsory.

        They tried to destroy our regional languages by making English only official language to get a job in India or abroad. They made the learning of English very expensive. They even didn't give the chance to all the people of Bharat to learn English. Very rare people had the chance to learn English by buttering the British administration and help them in anti- Bharat activities. They created an atmosphere of fear about the learning of English.They treated the innocent and naive people of Bharat as their slaves. They used to beat them and got their work done by them without giving proper remuneration. Then they started system of Jamidari, Mahajana or Landlord by giving some people more facilities and lands to run their business and devide Bharat. Then by gradual revolution many Patriots like Bhagat singh, Subhash Bose, Khudiram Bose, Mangal Pandey and so many others had participated in independent Bharat movement and made Bharat free from British rule.

         In the meantime they spoiled our rich culture, rich educational institutions like Nalanda etc.They included the article in our Sambidhan that we couldn't include vedic system of education in our school or college curriculums. They made our education system void and very expensive. All will get educated but don't get employment. They also excluded our vocational education from school and colleges curriculums.It is the time to analyse our education system and made amendment in our Sambidhan as per our vedic education system.

Jay Hind...

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