Monday, August 31, 2020

Cognizable and Non- cognizable Offence in Criminal Procedure Code In India:

 COGNIZABLE OFFENCE: It is an Offence where a police officer can arrest without a warrant.

  • In such cases after arrest has been made, the accused will be produced before a magistrate and he may require the police officer to investigate the matter.
  • After investigation, if the case is made out i.e. the charge sheet filed goes against accused, the magistrate can order for arrest.

  • Offences of waging or attempting to wage war or abetting the waging of war against the government of India.
  • Wearing the dress or carrying any token used by a soldier, sailer, or airman with an intent that it may be believed he is such a soldier, sailor,or airman.
  • Rioting armed with deadly weapon.
  • Hiring, engaging or employing persons to take part in an unlawful assembly or taking part in self.
  • Being or expecting to be a public servant and taking a gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act.
  • Public servant obtaining any valuable things without consideration from a person concerned in any proceeding or business transacted by such public servant.
  • Counterfeiting or performing any pat of the process of counterfeiting Indian coin.
  • Having possession of a counterfeit government stamp.
  • Making or selling false weights or measures for fraudulent use.
  • Negligently doing any act known to be likely to spread infection of any disease dangerous to life.
  • Causing a disturbance to an assembly engaged in religious worships.

Non- cognizable offences are those where a police officer can't arrest without a warrant.
  • In such offences for arrest all the steps have to be followed as below.
  • Filing of complaint/F.I.R
  • Investigation
  • Charge Sheet
  • Charge Sheet to be filed in court.
  • Trial
  • Final orders of arrest if case has been made out.

Following are some examples of non-cognizable offences.
  • Owner or occupier of land not giving information of riot etc.
  • A public servant disobeying a direction of the law with intent to cause injury to any person.
  • A public servant unlawfully engaging in trade.
  • Bribery during elections.
  • Making any false statement in Connection with an election.
  • Absconding to avoid service of summons or other proceeding from a public servant like where summons or notice require attendance in person etc in a court of Justice.
  • Refusing to take oath when required taking oath by a public servant.
  • Obstructing Public servant in discharge of his Public functions.
  • Giving or fabricating false evidence in a judicial proceeding.
  • False claim in a court of Justice.
  • Fraudulent use of false instrument for weighting.
  • Selling any food or drink as food and drink knowing the same to be a noxious.
  • Offering for sale or issuing from a dispensary any drug or medical preparation known to have been adulterated.
  • Voluntarily causing hurt on grave and sudden provocative not intending to hurt any other than the person who gave the provocation.
  • Buying or disposing of any person as a slave.
  • Dishonest misappropriation of movable property or converting it to one's own use.
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Friday, August 21, 2020

How Important It Is To Teach Morals To The Children????

A child is the future of this world. We can build a child as we want. If we sow the seeds of good things in a child, it can give us a good reep. In Bharat the moral values of a child has been given much importance in the vedic scriptures. In the families of Bharat parents are teaching the children about how to respect elders, how to differentiate between good deeds and bad deeds, what to do to be a great human being.Because a human being has tremendous potential to give back the society as it is his prime duty.

A child receives the things quickly those he watches his surrounding doing specifically what his parents doing. If we give respect to the elders he also gives. If we scolds some elders, he also learns that and applies in his parents first. If we are taking sweetly with him, he learns to talk sweetly with everyone.

If parents teaches their children how to help others, how to feel sympathy for others, how to oblige, then a child can grasp it very quickly and enthusiastically, as a normal child is always very curious about knowing something new. 

A educated parent can very well lays the foundation of Patriotism inside a child. And it is very important for a nation to have more Patriots than traitors. It has a positive impact on the sovereignty of our country Bharat or any other country. 

A child must know the basics of background of his culture, traditions, vedic scriptures, environment, and most importantly the logic or science behind every material things. A child has every right to know the objects surrounding him like the sky, the stars, the oceans, the plants, forests, mountains etc. Most importantly he has to tought about discipline in life.Thus it is very important to raise a child with outmost care and love.

Jay Hind.

Friday, August 14, 2020

How To Induce Patriotism Within Our Children???A Thought.

       After  the British leave our country,  they left their culture Inside the body of our constitution, specifically  in our education systems and institutions. They destroyed our culture, our pure hindu traditions. They prohibited us from knowing our scriptures.They devided us in the name of cast and creed. They injected hatism among our widely diversed multilingual states. So in educational institutions the glorification of Western culture started. They were tought there if you want to develope in your life, forgot your mother language and chew English language. There was no content of our ancient  history in the school syllabus. In Britain, England, America, their students studys in their school how to cook, how to farm, how to ride horse etc. So that the students have no feelings of difference among different works like from  cooking  to horse riding. They learns to respect every profession. But in India they laid the foundation in school and colleges how to feel low about some professions and how to feel good about some professions.

       Now it's our duty to be the teacher of our children from the very beginning, even inside the mother's womb we can laid the foundation of moral and spiritual values like Abhimanyu in Mahabharata. This is the only way we can save our children from the monster Western culture and help him to survive in this society. We have to teach our children we are the pure soul not just body and our soul is the servant of our super soul that is our God. Our super soul is the creator of this whole universe and we the soul as a part of this super power can do any good things for this whole world and humankind.

 Jay Hind.

The Role Of Contract Farming In Integration Of Technology And Infrastructure In Indian Agriculture.

There is vast scope of contract farming in Indian Agriculture. This can improve the life style of our farmers and their children. After lagg...