Friday, August 21, 2020

How Important It Is To Teach Morals To The Children????

A child is the future of this world. We can build a child as we want. If we sow the seeds of good things in a child, it can give us a good reep. In Bharat the moral values of a child has been given much importance in the vedic scriptures. In the families of Bharat parents are teaching the children about how to respect elders, how to differentiate between good deeds and bad deeds, what to do to be a great human being.Because a human being has tremendous potential to give back the society as it is his prime duty.

A child receives the things quickly those he watches his surrounding doing specifically what his parents doing. If we give respect to the elders he also gives. If we scolds some elders, he also learns that and applies in his parents first. If we are taking sweetly with him, he learns to talk sweetly with everyone.

If parents teaches their children how to help others, how to feel sympathy for others, how to oblige, then a child can grasp it very quickly and enthusiastically, as a normal child is always very curious about knowing something new. 

A educated parent can very well lays the foundation of Patriotism inside a child. And it is very important for a nation to have more Patriots than traitors. It has a positive impact on the sovereignty of our country Bharat or any other country. 

A child must know the basics of background of his culture, traditions, vedic scriptures, environment, and most importantly the logic or science behind every material things. A child has every right to know the objects surrounding him like the sky, the stars, the oceans, the plants, forests, mountains etc. Most importantly he has to tought about discipline in life.Thus it is very important to raise a child with outmost care and love.

Jay Hind.

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