Saturday, October 3, 2020

Denmark And India Green Strategic Partnership: Denmark is Pioneer of Clean/ Green Energy:

 A historical first virtual meet has been held on  28th September 2020 between Denmark PM Mrs Mette Fredrickson and Indian PM Mr Narendra Modi. A green strategic partnership has been discussed between the Prime Ministers apart from various developmental issues. Here I am going to put the light what exactly the position of Denmark in green or clean energy sector in the world.

Denmark is a small Scandinavian country in Europe. It's linked to Sweden by Oresund Bridge. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. The citizens of Denmark are called Danis.It has the longest royal monarchy ruling country and got democracy on 1945. The currency of Denmark is Danis Krone. Time taken from Denmark to India by flight is 15 hr 10 min. Present Prime Minister of Denmark is Mrs Matte Fredrickson and Monarch is Margrethe. It's population is approximately 58 lakhs.

Denmark is Pioneer in Clean Energy after the country faced a huge energy crisis in 1970's.  Before 1970 they were usually depends upon fossil fuels. But after that they thought how to get independent of fossil fuels and how to conserve energy. Because of this they were tried to heat the big pile of stones through electricity,  generate heat and then conserve it.


More than two third of Denmark's renewable energy comes from bio- energy that is stored in organic material or biomass.

  • Agriculture is a big business in Denmark and it indirectly helps in generating energies.
  • With manures, Animal fats, straws are the raw materials used for biogas and liquid biofuels.
  • Many Danish power plants are switching from fossil fuels to biomass (wood petlets, wood chips and straw).
  • Nearby two third of the Danish households are supplied with district heating (heat networks) where the heat is distributed to citizens as hot water in pipes.
  • Roughly half of the fuel for District heating in Denmark is made up of biomass and other sources of renewable energy.
  • While Biomass is a renewable energy source it's climate impact depends on the type of biomass being used.
  • There is a strong focus on securing sustainable biomass in Denmark.
  • Clean energy is a Danish Passion and 30% of total energy used in Denmark comes from renewable sources.

In Denmark they are used the wind, solar and geothermal energy as Green renewable energy.
  • Wind energy is well established in Denmark which long ago decided to put the Danish climate's constant breezes and blusters into practical use.
  • Now Denmark produces almost twice as much wind energy per capita as the runner up among industrialized countries in the OECD.
  • A giant offshore wind farm is under construction on the island of Mon in the Baltic sea. When it is finished in 2022, it will produce enough electricity to power six lacs household.

  • Denmark began looking into the possibilities of wind energy after the oil crisis of 1973.
  • A nascent wind turbine industry was emerged as a spin-off of the manufacturing of agricultural machinery and the first commercial wind turbine was errected in 1979.
  • The success of onshore wind power inspired the development of offshore wind energy.
  • In 2002, the world's then largest offshore wind farm Horns Reef-1 was established in the North sea about 14-20 kms off the coast of Jutland.
  • In 2009 and 2019 two more offshore wind farms were inagurated near Horns Reef 1. The newest of them Horns reef-3 is the Denmark's largest offshore wind farm and will increase the Danish electricity generations from wind by arround 12% with a total capacity of 407MW, 49 wind turbines of Horns Reef-3 will cover the annual electricity consumption of approximately 425000 Danish households.
  • In 2019 according to preliminary figures a historical event occurred in Denmark.
  • The 15th of September from midnight to midnight was the first day ever where wind turbine production exceeded the Danes electricity demand.

The world's top innovators in wind energy include the Danish Company Vestas and Siemens Gamesa which has Danish root. Together these two companies had a share of almost a third of global wind turbine installations in 2018 according to global data.

MH1 Vestas- a joint venture between vestas and a Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries currently produces the world's most powerful serially produces turbines that is 9.5 MW. It has a rotor diameter of 164 meter about the length of ten parking spaces.


Denmark is generated half of it's electricity from wind and solar power in 2019. That's the highest number ever.



*The information of Denmark has been extracted from Denmark External Affair Ministry Website.🙏❤️🌹

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