Saturday, June 27, 2020

Don't Snatch Away My Childhood

        A child should be given his quite space to grow up naturally. He has a pure mind and an innocent heart with infinite possibilities to explore the world. The curosity at it's peak. After all he is God's unique creation. The love, the passion to do a little thing with all his energy is amazing. He has a crystal clear ❤️ with full of life. We the so called adult always try to play with him to release our stress for a while. He creats the playground arround himself. 

       But his curosity sometimes remain unanswered. Suddenly he is putting under the pressure to achieve big in this cut throat world. We the parents trying to make him prepared to fulfill all our dreams we never achieved in our life. A tender, flowery, happy heart at last shades all his curosity, simplicity, adventurous journey in order to be called your good boy or good girl. We apparently kill all the possibilities of that innocent Child to be a good human being. We kill his spontanisity, we kill his innovation qualities, we kill his unique talents that are God gifted by pressing him to follow a certain rule which is common for all in the academy.

             We never cuddled him, we never played with him. We never let the flower bloom itself. We never let the flower thrills himself. We never let the flower spread the petals and smells. We never let him allow to love and being loved by everyone. Lastly we never ever give him chance to feel himself as God's special gifts for us and to the world. Down the line we lost the opportunity  given by God to us to become a loving parent.




Thursday, June 25, 2020

Scope Of Floriculture In India

(Cultivation of flower plants):

"FLOWER" what a mesmerizing terminology!!! It literally shoothes our body, mind and soul. A sweet unconditional smile comes when you come across a Flower. In real sense it blown out our mind and intelligence.

            In India there is vast scope for cultivation of flowers. In day to day life we need flowers. Just think about one and thirty billion of people and imagine the demand of flowers. A wide market base in India itself.

            We use flowers for various purposes. Like worship of God, different family ceremonies, festivals, funerals, marriages, official meetings, convocations etc. The amazing thing is we import flowers from our neighboring countries. On the other side a very big industry is waiting for us in this sector.That is perfume industry.We basically depends on Arab countries to fulfill our demands of perfume. Other industry is food industry. Today flower essence has a great demand in food industry.

            Present scenario of unemployment among skilled youth in India is increasing day by day. Agriculture colleges are there but very little presence of government jobs in Agriculture sector. Students are entering in the field of management and banking sector. Very different career options than thier parent qualifications. If we trained our general youth about the cultivation, processing and marketing of flowers, they can do magics. For this we need expertise, avenues, infrastructure and finance.
              I think time has come private sector will come forward with a good investment and generate scope, infrastructure for floriculture. Its time to rethink wisely our investment whether it is government or private.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Naturopathy and Ayurveda

The basic principles of Naturopathy and Ayurveda is to connect with Nature. Like to come in contact with Earth, Water, Air, Sun and watch starry nights in the sky. It will have a tremendous healing impact on your body, mind and soul.

How to Start Your Day: You have to wake up early morning with a small prayer. Then go and freshen up. The second thing you should do is drink one or two glasses of water. After that you should go for a little exercise and stretching. For lighten of your mood, go for Pranayam like Anulom vilom, Kapalvati, Bhramari, Ujjayi for at least fifteen minutes.
You can enjoy some green tea like tulsi, ginger, black pepper tea. Then have your healthy and wealthy breakfast. It should include fruits or fruit juice and whole grams.

By adopting these basics you can have a great physical and mental health. In this way you can feel great for rest of your day with another habit of using lesser oil and avoiding fried snacks.


The Role Of Contract Farming In Integration Of Technology And Infrastructure In Indian Agriculture.

There is vast scope of contract farming in Indian Agriculture. This can improve the life style of our farmers and their children. After lagg...