Thursday, June 25, 2020

Scope Of Floriculture In India

(Cultivation of flower plants):

"FLOWER" what a mesmerizing terminology!!! It literally shoothes our body, mind and soul. A sweet unconditional smile comes when you come across a Flower. In real sense it blown out our mind and intelligence.

            In India there is vast scope for cultivation of flowers. In day to day life we need flowers. Just think about one and thirty billion of people and imagine the demand of flowers. A wide market base in India itself.

            We use flowers for various purposes. Like worship of God, different family ceremonies, festivals, funerals, marriages, official meetings, convocations etc. The amazing thing is we import flowers from our neighboring countries. On the other side a very big industry is waiting for us in this sector.That is perfume industry.We basically depends on Arab countries to fulfill our demands of perfume. Other industry is food industry. Today flower essence has a great demand in food industry.

            Present scenario of unemployment among skilled youth in India is increasing day by day. Agriculture colleges are there but very little presence of government jobs in Agriculture sector. Students are entering in the field of management and banking sector. Very different career options than thier parent qualifications. If we trained our general youth about the cultivation, processing and marketing of flowers, they can do magics. For this we need expertise, avenues, infrastructure and finance.
              I think time has come private sector will come forward with a good investment and generate scope, infrastructure for floriculture. Its time to rethink wisely our investment whether it is government or private.

1 comment:

  1. Namaskar viewers. Please go through this article till the end and give your feedback wheather this idea is going to benefit the mankind or not?


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