Friday, July 3, 2020


         Happiness can't be measured with rich or poor. Real happiness is never be a materialistic one rather divine one. The fulfillment of happiness is based on it's continuity and eternality in whichever situation you are. It never ever result oriented. It's basic tendency is ever-increasing.

         Happiness is of two types. One is we are getting from fulfillment of our materialistic wishes and another one is divine one. The happiness which we get from the fulfillment of our worldly desire is always remain for sometimes and then vanished. Thereafter another new desire created and this process is continued. But on the other hand divine happiness is coming from the bliss by surrendering your soul and mind with the soul and mind of God. You will get unique and continuous happiness without fear and anxiety.

           Divine happiness is coming from nothingness. The feeling of everything is managed by a supreme power. In this process you have to shade your ego , pride and wordly wishes. It will rejuvenate your every cell of your body. The end result of happiness is only growth.

Jay Hind.


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