Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What We Take With Us When We Die- Hindu Culture At A Glance


       In Hindu culture we believe and it's based on the fact that when we born, we come to this world with an empty and closed hand. I think this is a nacked truth to which everyone will be agreed upon. Hindu culture believe in Sanatana Dharma means which is the ancient one, when the universe is not created. Because we believe that our God Srikrishna creates the universe as per his wish and also destroy it as  per his wish.Only we come in this world with our previous birth's karma (work), wheather it is good or bad. If the work we have done in our previous birth is good, then our life goes smoothly and if the karma was bad, then our life gets miserable.

           But at the same time we have the opportunity to do good or bad karma in our present life also, which determines our future birth. The important thing is we have to face the results of our karma, as we are taking birth in karma yoni (meant for perform our duty only).In this human form our Sanatana Dharma only allow us to perform work and tell us our human life is not meant for enjoyment.

              What we do usually in our entire life is studied, married, give birth child and die. When we die what we take with us? Our near and dear ones? Our children? Our Husband or wife? Our money, bank balance, our land and building?? Nothing!!! Only the karma we did. Wheather  it is good or bad. 

         Our God Krishna says I am the supreme power and I am the creator of the universe. At the same time I am residing in your heart. Love me and take my name and perform all the worldly duties, you will get all the happiness and all sorrows will be vanished. Because I am the ultimate happiness and you are made up of with this bliss and happiness.

Jay Hind

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