Saturday, October 17, 2020

After Demonitization Why There Is No Presence And No Activity of NGOs In India Particularly In Rural Areas:


For the intensive Development of India NGOs ( Non- Government Organizations) have to play a vital role. Prior to Demonitization there are lots of NGOs in India seemingly have their presence in rural or urban areas and specifically in Rural areas. But after Demonitization the presence of NGOs have since been very minimal or null so to say.

May be after Demonitization the illegal funding of NGOs have been stopped. May be prior to Demonitization there  were more misuse of funds happening among the NGOs in the name of development. But today India needs more active participation of NGOs for the Development of it's rural population.

At the same time lots of Central Government developmental programs are continuing in rural India. But due to illiteracy, ignorance and very importantly language barriers the awareness about the different government schemes couldn't happen among Rural people. Fifty percent people don't know how to write, how to operate mobiles. They don't know how to fill up different application forms, banking vouchers, they don't have PAN cards and harassed by different political agents called Dalals or middle-man.The Dalals are exploiting the ignorant people by showing them the false hopes and assurances.

Thus the government affiliated NGOs should be encouraged and strengthened, so that they can aware and empower our rural people. The need of the hour is how to educate the rural people and make them familiarize with the mobile technology. The problem arise when a state government doesn't implement the central developmental schemes in it's state with letter and spirit. 

It's too late, but still central government should encourage the NGOs to actively participate in every developmental programs in rural areas in India.  More private investment should come to rural sector for implementation of developmental schemes.

Jay Hind 🌹🌹🌹

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