Thursday, November 12, 2020

How much cost India is bearing in selling liquor?

 The Origin of India is from Vedic culture or Sanatana culture. There is no space for non-veg in sanatana culture. There is un-limited knowledge in our scriptures like Vedas and Upanishads about the universe, Human-being and God. Our scriptures are telling us the science of how the entire universe is working under the guidance and supervision of God. Our supreme power is Shree Radhey Krishna and all other deities and living beings are part of their energy. Our culture says live and let live with peace and without violence. At the same time in order to save your Dharma if necessary take the weapons and fight against the evils. In our History there is no scarcity of sacrifices and at the same time battle for justice.

But today our government is opening liquor shop in the name of revenue collection. Can't we generate revenue in other developmental sector like agriculture, business, service etc ? I don't think that much of revenue has been collected from liquor selling. Rather it destroys our human potential, human power, most importantly it destroys spiritual growth of our countrymen. It destroys our future generations and makes our mind into a dustbin. Apart from this, consuming liquor in excess amount deteriorates the health of ours. It mentally killed a person by hijacking his or her rational  thinking power. It destroys thousands of family life by creating disturbances among family members. It is becoming an addiction which later on force a person to commit crimes. Our scriptures has told us consumption of liquor is a sin among five important sins as it has lots of bad impact on human being.

Most importantly alcohol killed all the positivity inside us and bring us in a deep state of depression. It destroys all the goodness inside human being. That ultimately seized the rational thinking power towards ourselves and towards our society. It enhances the negativity and  fear inside us. It also reduces the tolerance power for bearing any physical or material loss to ourselves. It is just devastated our relationship with our family, friends, colleagues and society.

As a government our primary duty is to save our citizens from any evils. It's our duty to create dynamic, talented and positive personality inside our citizens. But we in the name of revenue are destroying our youths. By giving easy access to alcohol we are finishing thousands life in India. We are finishing thousands family. We are bringing darkness in lakhs of houses. Before we lit the candle, the candle itself is Breaking down. India is having very small small villages where quality Education is not at reach to every child. But alcohol can reach. How fool we are as a government? And we have Education system with full absence of morality and full presence of foolishness which only can create educated unemployment. 

I urge Indian government please for God's sake stop selling alcohol. We are losing our brothers, fathers, uncles. Please stop these silence killing our innocent people. Stop stop stop alcohol selling and save our young talent.

Jay Hind.


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