Friday, November 27, 2020


There are hundreds of MBA colleges and MBA students. A MBA student generally spends minimum 7-10 lakhs for to complete his/her study by doing education loan. But lastly satisfied with a mere Rs 30000/- to Rs 40000/month salary and crushed his/her head for lifetime in the feet of a multinational company or a private company or very smooth banking life. The real talent of that youth hasn't been explored. This is called under explored brain or talent. I think MBA colleges doesn't give much importance to entrepreneurship development rather they gives much importance to placement. This may be the reason more youth are preferring to establish themselves in foreign countries. I think the MBA students needs much more counselling to go for entrepreneurship development. Who will motivate them except MBA colleges in which they are enrolling?

Today India is growing in multiple way. So we need more professionals to come forward and utilize their knowledge, experience and leadership quality in generating entrepreneurs. By creating entrepreneurs we will generate more employment privately which further enrich the life of our people. Entrepreneurship development helps our people in becoming self dependent economically and socially. If someone is economically healthy, he must be mentally healthy. Their relationship in society will become healthier. 

There are many sectors a professional can go for entrepreneurship development like Agriculture, more specifically in Horticulture, dairy industry development that is Milk processing industry( Ghee, cheese, paneer etc). In Horticulture One can go for establishment of fruit, flower and vegetable processing industries in India in an increased manner. In a wide extent one can go for textile industry like jute industry.

One can go for commercial cultivation in order to achieve the processing industry targets. In India except 3-4 states there is no commercial cultivation of crops in agriculture and no counselling centers are also there to motivate farmers to go for it. Thanks to the government of India for bringing out new policy by which a farmer can sell his produce all over India and outside India.

If from 100 colleges of MBA, 10 students per MBA college will be interested to go for entrepreneurship development, then straight 1000 entrepreneurs will be developed and lakhs of employment will be generated. It's time to think all of us seriously about our country specially our professionals. 

MBA students or any professionals can take the benefit of Government of India's initiatives like START UP and MAKE IN INDIA policy. They can also help other fellow young men by motivating them to come to entrepreneurship development sector and also they can set examples of themselves by entering to commercial agriculture in a grand way through utilizing their parental agricultural lands into commercial venture.

They can also enter in the world of natural or renewable energy sector and set up their own farms. Because India now is new emerging  destination of Investment in renewable energy sector. Whether it may be solar energy or wind energy or water energy. Now India's agreement on this renewable energy is going on with Denmark who is the pioneer of green energy. So this is the time to switch up your working sector and to be dynamic in creating new entrepreneurship.


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