Sunday, July 26, 2020

How The Vedic Education System Of Bharat Destroyed By Mogol and British Invaders?

    Long long ago arround 5000 BC to 2000BC the name of India was Bharat.This name came after king Bharat and in all over the world specifically asian countries Sanatana dharma was there. In that time the education system was called "Gurukula System Of Education".

      In Gurukula System Of Education, the children above six years of age were studied irrespective of all cast and creed. The children were studied over there the cousres like our scriptures Veda, Sankhya,puranas. They were studying at Gurukula the subjects like Brahmanda means universe. It includes stars,planets,celestal bodies called astrophysics. They also studied there Achara-Byabahara called behavioural science. They were studying spirituality, yoga, pranayam, meditation. They were studying about environment, agriculture.They were studying self defence like wrestling, archery, horse riding, fist fighting etc. The students were also studying there vocational courses like Pottery,  art and craft making and othere enterpreneural activities. Students were studying at Gurukula theory as well as practical . Through these rigorous and discipline study a young man can live his life in a very peaceful manner without harming others. But it is very rare for a girl child to study at Gurukula. Because at that time Girl child were learning the basics from their mothers. Ladies were studied veda puranas at their home only.

       Students were also helping their Guru in arranging firewoods for cooking and Guru and Guru patni treated the students as their son. Because students were living at Gurukula till the end of their study. Students generally obeys them as their parents. Guru patni tendered them with more affection. Where as Guru was giving them punishments if they did some mistakes. Lastly students offered Guru dakshina to their Guru by completing some tasks. Also in the end of study, students  were facing exams.

        Gradually our education system at the time of Mogals and British rule got deteriorated and vanished. In British rule more destruction of our culture and education system occurred. The British had a dirty mindset. For their benefit they started their devide and rule policy.They have created cast discriminations and devide the people of Bharat. Also they devided our country and people on the basis of religion.

       Gradually they started attracting some of the rich and notorious people to run their business by giving them bribes and special facilities. They offered them some royal posts and gave them priority in being educated. They only gave the chance to those selected people in getting higher studies and make English the official language and made that compulsory.

        They tried to destroy our regional languages by making English only official language to get a job in India or abroad. They made the learning of English very expensive. They even didn't give the chance to all the people of Bharat to learn English. Very rare people had the chance to learn English by buttering the British administration and help them in anti- Bharat activities. They created an atmosphere of fear about the learning of English.They treated the innocent and naive people of Bharat as their slaves. They used to beat them and got their work done by them without giving proper remuneration. Then they started system of Jamidari, Mahajana or Landlord by giving some people more facilities and lands to run their business and devide Bharat. Then by gradual revolution many Patriots like Bhagat singh, Subhash Bose, Khudiram Bose, Mangal Pandey and so many others had participated in independent Bharat movement and made Bharat free from British rule.

         In the meantime they spoiled our rich culture, rich educational institutions like Nalanda etc.They included the article in our Sambidhan that we couldn't include vedic system of education in our school or college curriculums. They made our education system void and very expensive. All will get educated but don't get employment. They also excluded our vocational education from school and colleges curriculums.It is the time to analyse our education system and made amendment in our Sambidhan as per our vedic education system.

Jay Hind...

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Need Of The Hour- Change In Indian Government Education System

     Education is the basic right of every individual in India and nobody should be deprived of quality education also. Education in real sense is the social, physical, mental and spiritual growth of a human being. Education is a means through which an individual can see the light in the darkness. If education can't show us the light instead force us to go towards the darkness, then this type of education is not real education and it doesn't have any sense in being educated.

           In our India specially in rural villages the education given to our children is not up to the mark. A child can't study English in first standard in government schools states like Odisha. For studying English alphabets a child has to wait till class three.

         Generally government has made basic education free of cost in it's schools. That doesn't mean it is at the cost of quality. In rural areas in India a child can't get better education than it's counter- part has got in urban areas. I don't understand why this type of discriminations in schools among rural and urban areas?

          An uniformity should be maintained in educational structures and curriculums in India. Then only we can create more skills and talents. For example in an English medium school they have their music teacher, dance teacher, art teacher etc. But in government schools in India don't have these teachers and posts. Is our government so incapable to have a music teacher, dance teacher, art teacher in government schools? Why a child is being deprived from getting a quality education? Is not it a basic right for him/her? If government allocates budget for education annually, then it should think about creating these regular posts in schools.

            Our education system needs to be such type where a child must know and understand the practical aspect of his study. The basics of professional coueses like space, astrophysics etc should be included in our school's curriculum.

               Lastly the monitoring system should be strong in both rural and urban areas of India. Because in this case our education system is very less discipline. If our government doesn't give emphasis to the above matters, then it will create a huge problem in creating skilled human resource .As from the age between six to fifteen is very much crucial for developing a child's future.

Jay Hind....


Friday, July 10, 2020

Employment vs Self Reliant....

        Employment has never been a solution of unemployment rather self-reliant is the real solution. Employment can limit your skill,ideas, innovations, ethics, life principles. It destroys your peace and happiness by creating outward pressure. Though it gives you a constant income but debilitate your inner thoughts. It hampers your health if you will not careful about your body, mind and soul.
     In a country like India also the generation of employment is quite low. India needs to educate it's citizens about the resources available in India which can help India to become a self reliant country.India needs to change it's syllabus in academy. The more we go for vocational education, the more we will go forward to achieve our goal.
          Because most of the time it is shown that after completing necessary education the students in India just wait for employment. They are not using their mind and the subject they studied in their academy. Instead they should utilize their study and go for enterprenuring activities. So that they can generate employment for others and help them to become another successful enterprenure. This habit should be changed as early as possible. 
         Our education system needs a huge leap of faith and adopt vocational system and skilled our youth before it's too late.Because in school and colleges only we can build a child's future whether we can show them light or we push them inside a dark hole.Time to think about it.Make in India or break in India.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Love is fairy tale about your soul and mind, Love is cute butterfly wondering in your body and mind, Love is when you see the world with your passionate eyes, Love is purely live in the present, Love is when nothing left for think about, Love is when everything seems shining, Love is a cute feeling, Love is an unseen ocean, Love is when you dance weird, Love is when you sing odd, Love is when you listen your unspoken heart, Love is when you ignore the whole world, Love is when you want to see the planets,stars... Love is when you blow with the direction of wind, Love is when you love the space inside your heart.....

Sunday, July 5, 2020


      How passionate we are? How passionate we are in doing our day to day work? Are we eat with passion, walk with passion or talk with passion? How much passion we put in our official or personal work? Today it is really a big concern. Because when we will start doing everything with a great pleasure or passion, we feel happiness in every moment.

       Life will be very simple and beautiful if we add passion in it. But sometimes we become cruel towards our life and makes it difficult by thinking about the future. We never live our life at present moment.

       Passion brings creativity and that creativity brings development. It keeps your mind and body in peace and tranquility. Gradually you will start seeing everything in a positive prospective and you realize you have solutions for your every problems. You will get courage to face every failure. You will cherish every failure and find a new dimension in life to enjoy every bit. 

        Suddenly you see with passion, your every move of life become an adventurous one. You will climb a new height of life. In this process you will learn a lot.

Friday, July 3, 2020


         Happiness can't be measured with rich or poor. Real happiness is never be a materialistic one rather divine one. The fulfillment of happiness is based on it's continuity and eternality in whichever situation you are. It never ever result oriented. It's basic tendency is ever-increasing.

         Happiness is of two types. One is we are getting from fulfillment of our materialistic wishes and another one is divine one. The happiness which we get from the fulfillment of our worldly desire is always remain for sometimes and then vanished. Thereafter another new desire created and this process is continued. But on the other hand divine happiness is coming from the bliss by surrendering your soul and mind with the soul and mind of God. You will get unique and continuous happiness without fear and anxiety.

           Divine happiness is coming from nothingness. The feeling of everything is managed by a supreme power. In this process you have to shade your ego , pride and wordly wishes. It will rejuvenate your every cell of your body. The end result of happiness is only growth.

Jay Hind.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What We Take With Us When We Die- Hindu Culture At A Glance


       In Hindu culture we believe and it's based on the fact that when we born, we come to this world with an empty and closed hand. I think this is a nacked truth to which everyone will be agreed upon. Hindu culture believe in Sanatana Dharma means which is the ancient one, when the universe is not created. Because we believe that our God Srikrishna creates the universe as per his wish and also destroy it as  per his wish.Only we come in this world with our previous birth's karma (work), wheather it is good or bad. If the work we have done in our previous birth is good, then our life goes smoothly and if the karma was bad, then our life gets miserable.

           But at the same time we have the opportunity to do good or bad karma in our present life also, which determines our future birth. The important thing is we have to face the results of our karma, as we are taking birth in karma yoni (meant for perform our duty only).In this human form our Sanatana Dharma only allow us to perform work and tell us our human life is not meant for enjoyment.

              What we do usually in our entire life is studied, married, give birth child and die. When we die what we take with us? Our near and dear ones? Our children? Our Husband or wife? Our money, bank balance, our land and building?? Nothing!!! Only the karma we did. Wheather  it is good or bad. 

         Our God Krishna says I am the supreme power and I am the creator of the universe. At the same time I am residing in your heart. Love me and take my name and perform all the worldly duties, you will get all the happiness and all sorrows will be vanished. Because I am the ultimate happiness and you are made up of with this bliss and happiness.

Jay Hind

The Role Of Contract Farming In Integration Of Technology And Infrastructure In Indian Agriculture.

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